The Elephant Man



Directed by Ms. Marilyn Miller and Dr. Bill Gelber, technical direction by Mr. Terry Neisler

(**: Honor Thespian; *:  Thespian)


        The Elephant Man was, without doubt, one of the greatest achievements of Cypress Creek's theater department, at least in recent a University Interscholastic League competition one-act, it was superb. The cast was incredible, the crew was excellent, the direction was all one could ask for. I was quite below the caliber of the rest of the show, but the fact that I was a part of it thrilled me.

        We took the show through the first four levels of competition, finally ending our run at Regionals in Waco. We did make alternate to state, which is a good thing, but we and most of our competition (I say this because our competition told us, not just out of arrogant speculation) knew The Elephant Man should have gone on to state. Oh, well. The judge was an idiot...I was bitter for a long time. Now, it's water under the Bridge of Sighs... 

        At any rate, The Elephant Man was the last show for the seniors of 1999, and as such marked the end of an era. As actors, the seniors were incredible, far beyond anything I have achieved. As people, I can only say that I miss them, for they were in many ways as close to me as family. The show itself brought the entire cast together, forging bonds that cannot be soon forgotten.

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Copyright ©2000 Adam Rutledge